an oaken chest 意味

  • オーク製の箱


        oaken chest:    オーク製の箱
        oaken:    {形} : オークの、オーク材製の -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】o'ukn、【分節】oak?en
        deliver an electric shock to the chest:    胸に電気{でんき}ショックを与える
        t-wave abnormality during an episode of chest discomfort:    胸部症状{きょうぶ しょうじょう}を伴う T 波の異常{いじょう}◆心電図
        chest:    chest n. (1) 胸. 【動詞+】 She bared her chest for the camera. ヌード写真を撮るために胸をはだけた beat one's chest 胸をたたく 《元気いっぱいまたは虚勢のしぐさ》 He gasped and clutched his chest. あえいで胸をかきむしった expand on
        chest on chest:    {名} :
        chest-on-chest:    {名} : 重ね箪笥{かさねだんす}
        across chest:    胸幅{むねはば}
        alms chest:    慈善箱{じぜん ばこ}
        ammunition chest:    (金属製)弾薬箱
        arming chest:    鎧びつ
        auscultation of the chest:    胸部聴診{きょうぶ ちょうしん}
        bachelor chest:    書記台付き整理箪笥{せいり だんす}
        barrel chest:    樽胸、大きく厚い胸
        base of chest:    胸郭底部{きょうかく ていぶ}


  1. "an oak chest" 意味
  2. "an oak deck" 意味
  3. "an oak floor" 意味
  4. "an oak leaf" 意味
  5. "an oak plank" 意味
  6. "an oarsman in the first crew of the 8-man boats" 意味
  7. "an oasis in the desert" 意味
  8. "an oath of allegiance" 意味
  9. "an oath of fidelity" 意味
  10. "an oak leaf" 意味
  11. "an oak plank" 意味
  12. "an oarsman in the first crew of the 8-man boats" 意味
  13. "an oasis in the desert" 意味

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